
Welcome to Classified Connections 2025!

Below you’ll find the schedule/options for each day. 

TO SIGN UP: Sign in to Sched on the top right, or create an account if you haven’t made one before. This will pop up the registration information page - once you complete that you are signed up for the conference, and will be able to add sessions to your schedule. 

TO MAKE YOUR SCHEDULE: Make sure you are signed in to Sched. You’ll see white circles to the left of the session names - click on those to add those sessions to your schedule. Once you’ve made your selections, you can access all your sessions from your schedule (click on the head icon on the left to go to your personal schedule). 

Click Here for an FAQ with answers to (hopefully) all your questions

If you have any questions about using Sched, please contact Ben Baldizon (bbaldizon@mesd.k12.or.us). If you have questions about the PD Day, please contact Deb Miller (DGMiller@rsd7.net) or Christie Rivera (crivera@rsd7.net).


This event is available on your phone

  1. Download the Sched App from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Search within the Sched App to find your event:
  3. Sign up or Log in to access your event
Sched App mobile screen download App
1. Download App
Sched App mobile screen find event
2. Find Event
Sched App mobile screen register
3. Register

Calendar Sync for Google Calendar, Outlook & Apple Calendar

Subscribe in your calendar program to see this event alongside your meetings.

Apple Calendar
1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
2. On next screen, set "Auto-refresh" to "Every hour" to ensure you get schedule changes.

Google Calendar
1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
Note: Google will only update the feed once per day, which means you could miss out on last minute updates.

Microsoft Outlook
1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
2. View instructions for Outlook.com or Outlook for Mac.

Export Calendar
This is a one-time export. You will not receive any updates to the schedule. If you expect the schedule to change, you should choose to one of the sync options above.
Full Event Schedule: https://rsdcc25.sched.com/all.ics

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